HOOT 'n' HOWL Fall Festival
An autumn celebration for the whole family
Saturday, October 12, 2024
5:00pm - 8:00pm Central Denton, Nebraska
Location Details
Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center
11700 SW 100th Street, Denton, 68339, NE

Join us for our FREE annual festival celebrating the fall season, nocturnal and crepuscular wildlife, and more! Bring your own picnic and enjoy the beautiful fall prairie.
Live music from Oscar Rios will start the evening with the live owl show from Raptor Conservation Alliance following at 6:00. At 6:30, little kids are encouraged to join Jim King singing, playing, and dancing on the grass. All evening, enjoy nature activities, wagon rides, a “Crepuscular Creep” to learn about prairie animals, and more. The evening will end with viewing of the moon and stars with the Prairie Astronomy Club.
Free admission, but a suggested donation of $10/family is appreciated.